Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My New Cabinets From IKEA


If you read my earlier posting on shopping at Giant, Courts and Ikea, you would have known that I bought 3 cabinets from Ikea; 2 display cabinets and 1 book case.

Well, they were delivered this afternoon and I spent the whole afternoon assembling them with some help from Jason, of course.

Not really difficult for a DIY guy like me....ha...ha....

Jason showing off his medals in the display cabinet.

As you can see, there are 2 display cabinets and the tall book case. The other display cabinet has my dear wife's trophies and my medals.

You will have to pay 10% of the item price if you want Ikea to assemble the items for you. I do see customers paying for it as they either do not have the time or not DIY inclined.

Well, I am happy with the items and my assembly efforts.


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