Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Earthquake in China - Charity Drive


I turned on the TV the other night and saw the performers and audience tearing during a Chinese programme to solicit donations for the earthquake victims in China. A very commedable effort indeed.

However, I felt that the programme could have just shown photos and interviewed the victims and the rescuers instead of having TV celebrities singing on stage. It just felt odd seeing them in tears..... Of course, this is different from other charity shows.

With so much publicity in the news and I just received a powerpoint too on the heros in the disaster, people should be willing to donate if they want to rather than having such a 'sad and teary' charity drive.

In today's papers, reporters are asking the celebrities how much they have donated too..... I think this is a personal matter and not to compete who has donated more. Even one radio station was discussing on this matter today.

I hope the reporters are not running out of news to publish...? Also, I feel that the reporters should let the victims families grieve in peace and private; not only in disasters but also in other accidents. Why must they go to interview family members and dig up the past etc ...irrespective whether there are any juicy background to report..... I stopped reading such news and just flip the page.

Do not get me wrong, I support the initiatives to get funds to the victims of disasters like those in China and Myammar.

I just hope that we are also generous daily to the local poor and needy too....


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