I am now in a project to repair the backyard and the lawn in the frontyard too.
Luckily, there are a few nurseries near my house so shopping for sand and carpet grass.
BTW, if you have read my earlier posts last year, we have caught about 10 rats todate.
I bought 4 packets of lawn sand and 4 strips of carpet grass ( 5ft x 1ft at S$7 each ), and repair the backyard as due to rain, wear and tear, attacks by weed..... all the carpet grass have died or over-ran by weeds or mosses...?
I checked the Internet and consulted the people at the nursery on how to lay the carpet grass before I embarked on it.
Surprisingly, I was told to get cow grass instead as it is tougher and the roots are quite compact so very little weeds are able to grow in-between them unlike carpet grass. It is about double the price of carpet grass ! A strip of 2ft x 1 ft is S$5.50 after special discount for me!
I bought lawn sand for the edges and a strip of drainage cells to cover the edges to prevent my dogs from digging. Realigned the pots of plants in a neat row.
To excavate the front lawn and re-turf it will set me back by S$600 based on 2 quotes... So I think I will try to do it myself if I am successful with the backyard repair. Not necessary going to be very much cheaper by DIY but I can take my time and do some gardening etc.... to relax a bit instead of hiding in the house, in front of the PC or TV in the evenings....ha...ha...ha...
Will keep you posted on the progress.....
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