Just before I left for my Pg trip, I managed to go to the Comex 2009 IT show held at Suntec City.
Initially, I wanted to buy a new photo colour printer but then decided to defer it to the next PC show in Nov 09 since I do not think that I will be needing it in the coming months and can wait a bit longer though the color printing by my current photo printer is a bit off.
Instead, I ended up shopping for a NetBook for a friend and also brought my Filipino maid to shop for her IT accessories as she will be going home for good in late Nov 09.
I managed to collect sufficient brochures and do an evaluation on the spot, and then got my friend's consent to buy her an ACER netbook as shown below.

I bought her a Ruby Red colour netbook and it looks good indeed....! I spent the evening and following morning setting it up for her. Needless to say, I enjoyed the shopping and playing with such a new toy.
So much to see that I was tempted to go back to have another look especially at the new models and offers.
It would not have seen appropriate if I did not buy anything for myself no matter how small it is.....ha.....ha.....
I chanced upon a set of earphones that I wanted and it only cost me S$10 whereas it was retailing outside for at least S$25 so I just grabbed it. I am very happy with it as I took it along for my Pg trip and it served me well and I am also using it now. Value for money if you look hard enough during the show.

So where got recession in Spore...? I guess most of us took advantage of the reduction in prices and the retailers have decided to sell more at a lesser profit as oppose to sell less at a higher profit. Possibly, newer models are coming out too so better to get rid of old models.
A good business model as it is a win-win situation for both the Buyers and Sellers!
So until the next PC or IT show in Nov 09 as I definitely have to buy my colour printer and I hope they will give a better price and freebies too.....
BTW, I have been helping friends to buy notebooks for the past 3 shows .......... but no excuse to buy myself a NEW notebook......sob...sob....
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