Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day


Today is Mother's Day but unfortunately, both my wife and I are down with the common flu and we have sort of quarantined ourselves in the master bedroom so as not to pass it on to our son who is having his mid-year exam now.

But Jason and I managed to buy some presents for Mom and we have just given them to her. She was surprised and like them.

So what happened to us over the past few days?

Well, we were so conscious of getting sick and even took Vitamin C diligently.

The weather...... as it was very hot and then it could rained heavily lately....?

Jason was having a running nose on Wed evening and he recovered after taking some medicine.

But he must have passed it on to me as I started to have running nose on Thu and was sleeping almost the whole day after taking some medicine. I tired to stay away from the family as much as possible.

I saw the doctor on Fri morning and was given antibiotics and he claimed I have a temperature of 39C!

Then my dear wife started to cough and have a sore throat on Sat......oh dear!

I took her to the doctor and was given some medication. NO fever so no antibiotics given.

We were told to stay away from my son and wear those simple mask if we are serious about it. But all these masks were sold out due to the swine flu scare! Even the clinic does not want to give or sell theirs to us!

Anyway, we decided to quarantine ourselves in the master bedroom...... what a way to spend Mother's day especially that there are so many sales this long weekend!

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there.....


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