Tuesday, May 5, 2009



It has been an exciting past few weeks, thanks to the AWARE saga.

It was like following or watching Channel 8 TV serial.....ha...ha.....

Now having said that, here are my thoughts on the matter.

BTW, I have a teenage son in secondary school now so the issue of sexuality is of some concern to me too.

Firstly, I think the way that the new committee was formed was like a hostile takeover but with a hidden agenda until the Feminist Mentor revealed herself.

Most of the people would not like such a takeover even if it could mean well.


I think we should have sat down and talk about our concerns. Get into the organisation and get a better feel of things and then participate in the activities actively and share your viewpoints.

Or form your own organisation and preach your ideals or principles.

The main issue in contention was the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) programme and to be more precise, the mention of homosexuality or lesbian aspects of it.

Since the coaches were specially chosen and trained and MOE has approved or endorsed it, I would think that it is safe to be conducted in the schools. As it is a very sensitive subject, it is impossible to please all the parents and satisfy their concerns.

I like to ask the parents this, do you think you have sufficient knowledge to do it yourself? Or rather do you have the time and communicate well with your kids, in the first place?

If yes, then good for you and you should not then be worry as you have already cultivated your set of values and your kids should be able to then decide for themselves.

In today digital era, your kids can easily find what they want on sexuality on the Internet so do you want them to interpret themselves without proper guidance from you or the school or CSE?

In fact, they are most likely to discuss it among their friends.

So in short, both parents and school + CSE programmes are important to guide the kids.

Do not over react when you hear of such taboo subjects and also not be misled by others too. If you have some concern, approach the appropriate authorities ( eg. the originator of such programmes- school, MOE or AWARE ).

It is indeed sad that the church or religion was brought into the picture too.

We have to be more tolerant as we are living in a multi-racial and multi-religion society.

I was born and raise in Malaysia but started my working career and family in Singapore, and I believe Singapore is a very tolerant society and we have friends from all races and religions, living happily.

So let us keep it this way.

Just my thoughts.........


P.S. I do not recall being told to 'Shut up and sit down' when I was a kid....!

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