Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Trip to Wintry Melbourne - July 2014

Lai Meng & I decided to take a short trip to Melbourne to enjoy the wintry weather there since our last visit was 6 years ago and now that Jason is busy serving his NS in the Air Force.

We arrived with some sun appearing for a few hours in the late morning and early afternoon.

It was bearable if there was no strong cold wind but we were well prepared to wear the appropriate warm clothing.

Sunny and no cold winds so we dressed quite casually but we were actually wearing 2 layers as the temperature was like 13 C. Photo was taken in the garden at the back of my brother's house.

The following day was sunny but with cold strong winds, look at our hair and my jacket flying in the air....!

Looking at the weather forecast on TV news in the evening is a must to have an idea what the following day is going to be like.

A cold and cloudy day in an early afternoon so I am wearing my wool jacket and my beanie to cover my head. Only my face and fingers are not covered.... ha.... ha....
Lai Meng was appropriately dressed for the cold and cloudy weather too......!

Well, we concluded that it was fun to enjoy the cold weather for a short period but we will not be retiring in a cold wintry place ....... the body cannot take it so well... lah !

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