Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Melbourne Holiday - Sorrento

After the weekend market at Rye, we drove to Sorrento for lunch..... a tourist spot, apparently.

A small little town with trees and car park in the middle of the road.

Scenic drive out of Sorrento ....
I was taking some photos of the jetty by the beach but these 3 seagulls flew in and posed for me...... lovely...!
You can get an idea on how cold the weather was though the sun was out, by looking at this photo of a couple all wrapped up in a blanket and having a picnic by the beach....  Their idea of being romantic on a Saturday afternoon...! The view of the blue sea and sky was lovely though it was cold.......!

This map gives you an idea on how far we drove that Sat, from late morning to late afternoon. We started from Pearcedale and drove along the beach to Rye, which is after Rosebud. Then to Sorrento for lunch and drove back to Frankston, along the M11 highway, for some shopping therapy.

Shopping at Frankston and LM bought a pair of boots that was on sale......! I bought a hiking or walking stick from Katmandu too ....! It was warmer in the shopping malls  so we took off our jackets.
It was an enjoyable day ....!!!

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