This blog is to record and share news on my family & I. Occasionally, some thoughts on recent news in the papers but nothing political or pornographic though. Hope you will enjoy reading my blog as I am doing it for you. Thanks for reading my blog and feel free to give me your comments, if any.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Smart Phone
Smart phones are getting more popular in the past year, based on the reported statistics.
I think you also need to be pretty smart to use one of these phones too.
Let me share with you some of my recent experiences on such phones.
I recently decided to download applications into my mobile smart phone by connecting it to my home network.
After doing the downloads, I turned off the connectivity but the mobile will still automatically search for the network and connect itself every few minutes.
I seek help from a mobile shop and I was told that I did turned off the connectivity so we agreed that the best solution is to set the mobile back to factory settings.
So I attempted to do it and was prompted a password to set it back to default factory settings.
I managed to call the mobile manufacturer help desk for the default password and took the opportunity to tell him my problem. He advised me to turned off the access point through another option and my problem has been solved.
Do you know that your applications continue to run when you exit from them?
We were taught by my nephews who are using iPhone 4 as they incurred high data charges when on holidays overseas and found that they were getting automatic downloads for some of the running applications!
Similarly for my mobile, not an iPhone, as I realise that the battery is running out quite fast lately.
So I wonder what other things that I need to be aware when using a smart phone..?
While I think I do not really need a smart phone but the few applications like stock market, weather, SBS Iris,..... can be useful though.
Otherwise, a mobile with the typical functions is good enough as long as it also has a 3-5MP camera besides music player and FM radio.
Well, this is the new generation where technology becomes so much part of our lives....!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Mount Kinabalu
What an achievement..!
When I google about Mount Kinabalu, this is what one of the climbers said ...
"Mentally, physically and emotionally challenging! Expect to be sore for at least 3 days... Proper climbing boots a must.
Am glad we did it, but would I do it again? No! "
So Daniel, would you do it again....? Ha..ha....
Here are a few photos taken during Daniel's climb.
However, it would be nice if I can do some hiking in Katmandu, Nepal....?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Lion King Musical at Marina Bay Sands
The costumes and props were fantastic..... and of course, the singing and the storyline too!
If you have not seen a musical before, I think you should watch Lion King musical especially when it is held at Marina Bay Sands instead of Esplanade.
You can have a preview of what it is like here :
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Congrats to Jon & Amy

Jon graduated with a Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Commerce degrees.
Uncle David
General Election 2011
Though I have voted 3 times to-date, I only feel the intensity and excitement during the recent general election.
I must also admit that I am more aware of the issues and achievements through the rallies and info made available through the Internet.
As I was coming home from my breakfast, I saw and heard PAP lorry broadcasting their thanks to the public for voting for them. Similarly, I saw WP lorry doing the same and I managed to take a photo of it.
Congratulations to PAP for being elected to form the government again and also WP for winning 6 seats in this new Parliament. Well, I just hope that we , the citizens of Singapore, will now put our differences away and work towards a prosperous and secure nation that we will be proud of and for the future generations.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
iPhone Hung But Recovered
I pressed the button on the top to do a reset but it did not work.
I surfed the Internet to find solutions but none of them work and I dare not try some of them too, in case I made the problem worst and the shop may not want to honour the warranty.
So I went to bed and let the iPhone as it was , as it could not be switched off.
The following morning, the iPhone ran out of battery so I started to charge it.
Apparently, this triggered some sort of reset and I was prompted to link the iPhone to itune for recovery or restoration.

I was indeed so happy and managed to get the iPhone restored with the last back-up.
It is back to working status and the latest software was updated too.
Lessons learned:
- When updating the software on the iPhone thro' itunes on the PC, do not multi-task so as to interrupt the software upgrade process
- Backup your iPhone thro' itunes on your PC ( a few of my friends do not sync their iPhones with itunes on their PC or do not know how )
One interesting thing that I observed from this incident.... I put my wife sim card into an old Sony Ericssion mobile while I was trying to solve the problem and she struggling with it as she is so used to the finger touch interface on the iPhone...ha....ha....
I have used other smart phone and I must admit that iPhone is in a class of its own.
I should consider getting an iPhone 4 when my mobile contract expires at the end of this year....
Sunday, May 1, 2011
My 2nd Election Rally
Just to compare the atmosphere and get a feel of the rally by different parties.
It was definitely not as crowded as last night rally by the opposition party.

Partly, we were there as one of the speakers is a brother of our friend and we wanted to see how well he can delivered his speech. I was impressed by his perfromance, good for him!

Singapore Election Rally 2011