Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kampung Life in Penang


My house in Penang is situated next to a Malay kumpung, called Kampung Bahru.

Previously, the roads are sandy and not tarred or concrete but the attap houses are getting modern and most of the residents have motor-bikes or cars. There have been progress and standard of living has improved too, I suppose.

But one of the things that remains unchanged is the roosters and hen are let loose and they like to hang near our house.

There is also a nice playground just next to our house too. When I was a kid, it was a badminton court and I played in it many times.

Well, I have left Penang for a long time and until recently, I would only stay a night or two at our own house in Penang as my family & I would take it as a short holiday too, and stay at one of the beach resorts like Holiday Inn or Golden Sands Hotel.

During my recent trip, I stayed at my own Pg house for about 6 nights to help care for my parents.

So what is kampung life in Penang?

Well, the free and roaming roasters may start to crow as early as 4am and not stop until 6am..!!!

The motorbikes and cars are still returning home as late as 12 mid-night. Similarly, adults and children may hang around the playground until late at night too!

So sad to say, I seldom sleep until mid-night and I can hardly sleep past 5am every morning...!

The crowing of the roosters was really a killer..! Sigh.......

I even recorded their crowing on my mobile to be used as alarm. Also, to let my Dad listen to it as he said he could not hear them....( he is deaf without his hearing aid, actually.... )!

But my wife and son seem to have no problem during the few times we sleep there....?

Only my Mum agreed with me as she was also woken up daily too.

I do not mind if the roosters start crowing at 6am but 4am......sigh......

Once it was as early as 3:30am..... I could not believe it..!!!

And once they only started at 7am as it was raining....?

Anyway, there is no way we can do anything as this is kampung lifestyle.


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