Monday, December 28, 2009

I Survived One Month Of Housework


My maid left for good one month ago and we have decided not to have a replacement since Jason is in his teens already.

Also, an 'Aussie' friend of mine told me to imagine that I have migrated to Australia and have no maid in the household....ha...ha.....

But we ordered 'tingkat' food for dinner during the weekdays as we do not really cook...!

It definitely needed some adjustments as we were so used to being served by Jean but now, we have to spend time to do all the household chores like laundry, ironing, mopping the floor, etc....

I used to read the papers first thing in the morning as I like to know what is happening locally and overseas but now I have to find time to read the papers and sometimes even just browse through them only........


And guess what is the first thing I do every morning?

Well, Jack barks at 7am for his food and I have to wake up to feed him before my neighbours complain about his barking especially on weekends......sigh

Walk Jack too else he will bark for it again around 8am....sigh

Make breakfast, clean up some plates or cups left overnight, do laundry as it takes about 2 hours for the washing machine to complete a cycle....... before I can sit down to read the papers!

There are days where I went back to sleep and if I am really tired, I may sleep for another hour or so...ha....ha......

I dislike cooking during weekends as while I can 'cook' ( after 4 years as an overseas student ), I feel pressurised to cook a decent meal for my family esp Jason as he is still a growing boy.

Anyway, I suppose it is just a matter of the whole family chipping in and getting used to it.

Any tips for my me..... drop me a line.....


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