Thursday, February 12, 2015

Preparation for the New Chinese Year

As we are approaching the Chinese New Year, we are motivated to clean the house and a good time to throw out things that we re not using or have no need for it.

I wanted to finished painting the car porch that was done mid-way 2 years ago as I was still recovering from my mild slipped disc on my lower back but it was raining on and off, even if it is just an afternoon drizzle.

Luckily, I managed to paint the metal gate as the paint was peeling off and some rust at the bottom of the frame.

I took 2 mornings to paint the gate and underestimated the effort required as I was trying to paint early in the morning and targeted not more than 1.5 hour each session but it took more like 2.5 hours instead.....!

We managed to do a lot of cleaning around the house with additional sessions with our part-time helper.

Overall, we did a reasonably good job but there is always room for improvement. There is always next year....ha..ha...!

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