Thursday, June 28, 2012

Garden Makeover

Wow..... end of June already.... so it means that half the year has passed by...!

I have been very busy doing some gardening with my wife in the late afternoons till evenings, between 6:00pm to 7:30pm during this month of June.....

Due to recent hot weather, we can really get so soaked up with sweat....!

Anyway, the grass and some plants have grown wild so I lend my hand in clearing the garden and trimmed the grass and some of the plants too especially the 2 palm trees too.

Re-positioned the wooden tiles in the middle of the garden to the side instead and laid another row of artificial grass, bought from Daiso... only S$2 a piece!

Also, did the similar maintenance at the small patch of garden in front of the house too and removed the ugly looking small tree that has no flowers at all. Also replaced the worn out plastic fencing with burnt wood, bought from Daiso again!

The plants seems to be blooming again after I have uncluttered the garden and moved them around.... 

Thinking of re-painting the walls but still reviewing the necessity of it......

Well, time really flies when you have such project to keep you busy.... discussing with my wife on what was needed to be done, buying the necessary items like lawn sand, artificial grass, burnt wooden fence and then put them into actions .....

Quite challenging though it may look simple but wait until you are involved in doing it then you will appreciate the effort.

I am now starting to have a bit of lower back pain due to the bending down over time..... though I sit on a low plastic chair most of the time.

Jack must be happy to see me spending so much time outdoors with him.......

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