Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dental Care


I just went for my regular dental treatment; ie cleansing process to remove the plague or tartar every 6 months or so + filling if any, etc....

I was talking to my dentist about my observation and she agreed with it.

Our parents are the generation of dentures as most of them have lost all their teeth and wearing dentures. Dental care during their days is a luxury and only on a need basis.

We belong to the generation of crowning. Our molars are repaired with so much fillings that we need to crown them; ie remove the top half and placed a false tooth on top of the root of the tooth. So we still keep part of out teeth and this is better than dentures.

Our children is the generation of braces. Just look around you, you are bound to see secondary school kids starting to wear braces. It is also catching on for some adults too.

A friend told me that his son wanted to have braces eventhough his dentist said that he does not need one. But he requested for it as it is trendy and all his friends are wearing braces!

Jas has been wearing braces for 1 1/2 years and should be removing them this Dec if all goes well.

Looking back, time flies and it was quite uncomfortable initially. I must also take my hat off him as I think he was gutsy too. He asked for it and the dentist recommended removing 4 teeth as he got a small jaw and he indeed needed braces if he wanted to have a nice set of teeth as it would be a bit crowded.

Why gutsy?

He opted to remove the 4 teeth and one deformed growth tooth that was shown by the x-ray but not visible, in one go. He was knocked out and we actually brought in an anaesthetist from a hospital to the dental clinic for this procedure. I think we were more frighten for him than him himself.

But like he said if he did not do it then, he would have eventually have to do it later anyway.

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