This blog is to record and share news on my family & I. Occasionally, some thoughts on recent news in the papers but nothing political or pornographic though. Hope you will enjoy reading my blog as I am doing it for you. Thanks for reading my blog and feel free to give me your comments, if any.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas Greetings
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
We Wish You A Merry Christmas on You Tube
Jason just took up guitar lesson a month ago and learned how to play this song from Internet.
He is indeed a faster learner. He has also learned to play a few of his favourite songs and he should be posting them to You Tube too.
He is actually learning calssical guitar at Yamaha Music school in Tampines Mall on Sundays.
Please leave your comments here or in You Tube to support and encourage him to excel further in his performance.
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes again.....!
David & Lai Meng
Monday, December 17, 2007
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year...!

We will be taking a short holiday in Japan during this festive season ( were in Korea last Xmas ).
Somehow I have been very busy since beginning of Dec with family matters, mostly, and they are my priority, of course. I have also slack a bit in my blog posting too but will make up for it in 2008 so do not stop visitng my blog.
This is the best time of the year as irrespective of race or religion, we all tend to soak into the festivities so please have a good break before another challenging yer in 2008.
Best wishes!
David, Lai Meng & Jason Poh....not to mention Jack & Ruby too ( our Beagle and Corgi dogs!)
Qi Kong Meditation
I just completed my lessons in Qi Kong meditation, conducted by my TMC doctor.
It was an interesting experience and some similarities to the breathing meditation I learned in a Thai Buddhist temple here. Also, similar to Western approach to stress management that has been reported in the papers and talks.
This meditation is focus on breathing techniques that exercise the organs in our bodies, backed by ancient Chinese medicinal practices.
In the last class, one of the participants shared with us that she has heart palpitations and is on medication ( though it does not help much ) but it disappeared after she learned the meditation eventhough she has not been constantly practicing it. So believe it or not but then it is not a miracle as our body reacts differently; ie it does not mean that you ailments will be cured after the classes.
Well, I believe I have made a wise investment in learning this exercise and hope that my constantly ( still not very disciplined yet..! ) practice of this meditation will help prevent unforseen illness as I grow old gracefully.
If you like to know more or even keen to take this class, email me for the details as there is another new class starting very soon. I am invited back to join this class for revision in Jan 2008.
BTW, I just repeated my colonoscopy and no growth since my last one in Oct 2006 ( where 3 growth were removed and 2 were cancerous ). As such, next colonoscopy will be in 5 years. Do not be misled, I am not claiming that the meditation helps as I just started it recently only.
Take care!
Jason Playing the Guitar
Jason has started classical guitar lessons at Yamaha school recently. Initially, wanted to learn the drums but I suggested that the guitar is more portable and he can play a tune on his own.
He also managed to get some guidnaces from YOU Tube too and able to learn a few of his favourite songs by watching it. I am impressed. When he is ready, we will be making a video and posting it to YOU Tube too so stay tuned.
Jason back from his guitar lesson, he looked 'cool' ..... The guitar bag is very helpful and he is the only one in class to bring his own guitar though a few of them also bought one too.