Thursday, November 8, 2007

Qi Kong Meditation


I am now learning Qi Kong meditation from my TCM doctor who treated my left knee recently.

So far, 2 lessons and 3 more to go....

This is for health reasons and I have decided to invest in my health now than later in the years when all sort of sickness come along.

Hopefully, some sort of foundation building leading to prevention of unforeseen illness.

The basis of this Qi Kong meditation is from ancient Chinese medicinal practices, unlike Kung Fu or religious stle of meditation but similar, I suppose.

It focus on some breathing techniques similar to that I learned from Chit Sieng ( ex-OUB boss ) ay a Tahi temple, Yoga meditation and Western de-stress technique.

However, I suppose you must believe in it else no point to pursue it.

So far, I am happy with what I have learned.

Have a nice day!

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