This blog is to record and share news on my family & I. Occasionally, some thoughts on recent news in the papers but nothing political or pornographic though. Hope you will enjoy reading my blog as I am doing it for you. Thanks for reading my blog and feel free to give me your comments, if any.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Happy 22nd Wedding Anniversary !
Time flies indeed and Jason is 14+ now.
I missed the time when we were just married and have so much time together.
Now our priority is either work or Jason. We do not have so much time to ourselves these days due to work and other committments.
I also miss those days when Jason was in primary school and not so independent like now, in his teens.... ha...ha... He has his own friends now and go out with them more often than with us.
Anyway, a happy 23rd wedding anniversary to brother, Charles & Jin, who married one year early on the same day.
We attended a feng shui talk in the afternoon and have a family dinner at Suntec City yesterday, nothing fancy or romantic.....
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Trees Fell during the recent Thunderstorms

There were thunder storms almost every afternoons last week. Last Tue, on the way home in a taxi, my wife & I saw small trees or their branches fallen onto the streets in Opera Estate. But what shocked us most was our neighbour's tall bouganville tree fell over and also snapped the tree in front of their house as shown in the photos. Totally, blocked their gate.
We called their home to check that the children were aware and if they needed help. Also, called their mother in the office.
Apparently, they called the neighbourhood police and some men were sent over to saw the trees but they did not dispose the branches as they have to go off to somewhere to clear more trees...?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Dental Care
So how has the new year 2008 been treating you?
I just had a tooth crown done on one of my upper molars.
A crown is a tooth-shaped cover placed over a tooth that is badly damaged or decayed.
A crown, which many people call a cap, is made to look like your tooth.
This crown replaced the crown I did more than 10 years ago.
During my periodic dental check-up in Nov last year, an X-ray was done and some decay in that crowned tooth was identified. As I have to take antibiotics before every dental procedure ( because I have a very small hole in my heart, if you have not read my blog early last year ) and the procedure was expected to take 1-2 hours, it was scheduled to January 2008 as I should not be taking antibiotics so often.
Anyway, I am very happy with the dentist's treatment through the procedure. First visit was 2 hours , as besides the crowning preparation ( removed the old crown, clean it and put it a temporary aluminium crown after taking impressions of my tooth ) she also replaced some old fillings. Just yesterday morning, she put in the new crown which has porcelain coated over metal so that it looks like a real tooth. The cost is about S$1,000 but job well done though.
BTW, I have to do another crowning in 6 months' time when I go for my regular check-up again.
I was reflecting on the whole episode and whether I could have prevented such a hefty dental cost.
I am quite sure most of our parents, if not all, are wearing some dentures at their old age. Mine and my in-laws are wearing complete denture; ie no more real teeth! Well, I agreed with my dentist that they did not have such dental facilities and there were other more important priorities then.
But today, we are more aware of dental care and have access to such modern facilites or advancement in dental health. So we should not be wearing dentures like our parents!
Kids are wearing braces in their teens and even adults too, these days. I was told that Jason's best friend did not need braces but asked his dentist to put on a set of false braces as it is trendy and all his friends are wearing braces...?
I have been bugging Jason to brush his teeth so as not to end up like me, with so many filings and crowns. I am proud that he has started flossing his teeth though not regular enough. I only started recently only .....heee....heee.... Bad boy!
BTW, Jas is wearing braces for a year already and he asked for it. But the dentist also found that he has a small jaw and the teeth are compacted. Infact, he has to remove 4 teeth if you read my blog in Dec 2006!
To conclude this posting, I regret not taking better care of my body or health but then I have other priorities like career, marriage, sports and thought that I am strong enough to overcome my sports injuries incurred then.
So to my younger frineds, please listen to your body and pay more attention to your health including mental health; ie work hard but play hard too.
Health is more important than Wealth!
So take care please!