Friday, August 12, 2011

Dental Surgery - Crown Lengthening

During my regular dental check-up, my dentist told me that she has problem putting in 2 crowns on my molar teeth as there are quite a bit filling so no original tooth to hold the crown and suggested that I consult her colleague, a Periodontist, to do crown lengthening surgery.

So what is crown lengthening surgery?

Crown lengthening is a common surgery. Gum tissue or bone is taken out. This exposes more of a tooth.

I rather control my own destiny than wait until the filling breaks then panic to get it done.

So I have the surgery done last week and I am recovering now. I am due back in a few days'time to have the stictches removed.

The surgery took a bit longer than expected as my gum were very fibrous ( I think lots of veins as blood kept on oozing out, according to her ) but this means it is very healthy and will recovered very fast.

Also, my jaw bone is very tough as she has to used 3 blades to grind it and they were all blunt after the procedure! She commented that this is very unlikely for Asian men but more for Westerners.

While it did not really hurt during the surgery after having the gums numbed but it is not something that I like to go through again.

As advised, I iced the area when I reached home and on the second day too so the swelling and bruising are kept to a minimu if not almost non-existence.

In 4 weeks' time after a complete recovery, I will be going back to have my 2 crowns done.

This surgery cost me S$2K+ and the crowning another S$2K+.....!

No choice as dental health is also very important.

The areas circled in black are where the stitches were put to hold the gums in place. The red lines indicates the amount of teeth exposed after cutting away some gums and grinding the jaw a bit so that the crown can sit in securely.

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